Lesson Study for school leaders


learning organisation
team development
organisational culture


Heißenberger, P., & Tscherne, M. (2023). Lesson Study for school leaders: A model to develop a new learning culture in schools. R&E-SOURCE, 10(1), 148–164. https://doi.org/10.53349/resource.2023.i1.a1155


This paper will outline the role of school leaders in the implementation process of Lesson Study as a tool for staff, team and organisational development based on a systematic literature analysis. Furthermore, it will explore the question of how the Lesson Study method can be anchored in the school culture by promoting organisational learning. In order to underpin the findings of the systematic literature review, an additional quantitative study was conducted in which European school leaders were interviewed about their experience and the use of Lesson Study at their school sites.

Research has shown, that a “school that is or strives to become a learning organisation makes lessons learned – whether good or bad – available to all staff in order to learn from these.” (OECD, 2018). In this context, it is of research interest to identify arguments for the beneficial use of Lesson Study for continuous instructional and school development, Lesson Study is presented as a tool for sustainable professionalisation of teachers while strengthening team orientation at the school site.

This paper will also outline how school leaders can integrate Lesson Study into existing structures as an approach to organisational learning. The article is intended to encourage school leaders to use Lesson Study, in addition to continuous instructional improvement, as a proven human resource development tool to promote and support staff in their personal and professional development. The findings of this research may be used to develop a suitable concept for the introduction of Lesson Study tailored to the school site in the context of a school development project and to later integrate it as a process into existing structures.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Petra Heißenberger, Michaela Tscherne