Planning for teaching and learning in EFL Effects of standardisation and standardised testing on the learning and teaching of EFL at lower secondary level


Planning for teaching and learning in EFL Effects of standardisation and standardised testing on the learning and teaching of EFL at lower secondary level. (2016). R&E-SOURCE, 5.


This paper describes the washback of competence orientation and competence oriented testing on planning teaching and learning in English as a foreign language (EFL) at Austrian lower secondary schools. It analyses the perceived needs of teachers working in EFL classrooms in general secondary, new middle and academic secondary schools based on a mixed methods study. This study relies on data from on-line surveys, interviews, non-participant observation and document research and this paper puts a focus on planning teaching and learning. Findings point towards the need to encourage long-term planning on the basis of a set of descriptors for each of the four years of lower secondary foreign language education to build a basis for assessing and testing communicative competence at beginner and lower intermediate level in order to provide formative feedback that can inform the planning of teaching and learning in EFL classrooms.



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