Project-Based Learning as Innovation in the Subject of Didactics of Vocational Training


Project-Based Learning as Innovation in the Subject of Didactics of Vocational Training. (2025). R&E-SOURCE, s1, 319-330.


The paper proposes Project-Based Learning as an innovation in the subject of Didactics of Vocational Training within the Teacher Education study programme. The impetus for this innovation stems from Masaryk University in Brno's call to make teaching more interactive, alongside the European Union's efforts to promote holistic education at universities. The paper outlines the benefits of project-based learning, presenting examples of good practice from both the Czech Republic and abroad, with particular emphasis on teacher education.

The proposal for this innovation is based on the results of a survey that identified the changes students deem desirable in the current teaching concept. Drawing from theoretical knowledge and the survey findings, a new concept of project-based learning is introduced. The existing syllabus for the subject has been transformed into a major project, which involves detailed preparation for a teaching unit. This project will be divided into sub-parts that align with the individual phases of teaching in vocational education.

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