Selected methods of Leagile processes in the field of education
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Selected methods of Leagile processes in the field of education. (2022). R&E-SOURCE, S24.


This article focuses on the concept of lean and agile processes, compares these two methodologies in terms of added value for the supply chain and logistics and their applicability in education. This is not a new development phase, but a new perspective on this issue. Knowledge of methods and their optimization is a great advantage for every company because the supply chain and logistics as processes are more important from year to year and a properly functioning supply chain is a great advantage over the competition. That is why it is important to focus on educating people before starting work because in the future they will be co-responsible for the success of the business. Education should start in primary and secondary school because future graduates are often employees of companies implementing new processes. This article discusses the mentioned methods, especially from the application point of view, and suggests some ways that can help their successful implementation.

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