The general aim of the educational process is to continuously support and guide the learner to knowledge and to provide him with the best possible conditions and diversity of strategies to acquire the necessary competencies, as well as to create learning habits that are the basis of the lifelong learning. However, this has an expectation of the competence of teachers in the field of assessment too. The question arises as to whether teachers are prepared for a given challenge, whether they have adequate assessment literacy to perform their task at a given professional level. In the paper, based on a theoretical analysis of literary sources, we characterize the concept of assessment literacy, present the results of selected foreign studies, which focus on the analysis of teacher competence in the field of assessment and the development of assessment literacy in the training of future teachers. At the same time, we characterize the requirements for assessment literacy in the case of primary and secondary school teachers in Slovakia.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Katarína Szarka, István Szőköl, Andrea Vargova