Vorwort zur Sonderausgabe

Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International.
Copyright (c) 2024 Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková
Am häufigsten gelesenen Artikel dieser/dieses Autor/in
- Mária Bajúzová, Roman Hrmo, Digital Tools in Education , R&E-SOURCE: 2024: Sonderausgabe 1: Pedagogical Diplomacy II
- Pavel Andres, Roman Hrmo, Dana Dobrovská, Brigita Albertová, Undergraduate Educational System of Technical Teacher Education in the Czech Republic , R&E-SOURCE: S18: ENTER NEW ENGINEERING PEDAGOGY CURRICULUM
- Ivana Tureková, Iveta Marková, Roman Hrmo, Jozef Harangozó, Dual Education and Occupational Safety Training , R&E-SOURCE: S24: Factory of Engineering Pedagogy - FEP
- Lucia Krištofiaková, Filip Hrmo, István Szőköl, Peter Paška, Pavel Andres, Support for Novice Teachers in Secondary Schools , R&E-SOURCE: 2023: Sonderausgabe 1: Pedagogical Diplomacy
- Meruyert Serik, Symbat Nurgaliyeva, Gulmira Balgozhina, Roman Hrmo, Winning Robotics Competition Strategy: Theory of Creating Projects in Robotics Education , R&E-SOURCE: 2023: Sonderausgabe 1: Pedagogical Diplomacy
- Roman Hrmo, Kučerka Daniel, Henryk Noga, František Dzíbela, Agnieszka Gajewska, Tomasz Piotrowski, Development of Key Competences of Students Preparing in the Field of Study to Reception Technicians , R&E-SOURCE: 2023: Sonderausgabe 1: Pedagogical Diplomacy
- Roman Hrmo, Lucia Krištofiaková, Editorial , R&E-SOURCE: 2023: Sonderausgabe 1: Pedagogical Diplomacy
- Antónia Bugárová, Oľga Kissová, Lucia Krištofiaková, Synergy of Positive Emotional Stimuli and Education Technologies in JobLab English Speaking Development for Graduates , R&E-SOURCE: 2024: Sonderausgabe 1: Pedagogical Diplomacy II