Recently, the dual education system in the Slovak Republic has proved to be an exceptional model for preparing pupils for future professions. It means a partnership between pupils, schools, and companies. Each training needs to be adjusted to the age, pupils, and their mental abilities. Introductory training in occupational safety in dual education is entirely in the competence of the employer. We verified the knowledge obtained during the training by an attitude questionnaire, in which participated 90 respondents prepared for professions in the automotive industry. The questionnaire analysis revealed that pupils consider the level of training in occupational safety and health to be sufficient, and they are satisfied with the level of acquired knowledge. However, paradoxically, we found out that they fail to answer questions about the danger and risks at the workplace to which they will be exposed in their current and future work. This OSH education is the main topic of the whole training process regarding early risk identification and appropriate prevention. A fundamental recommendation measure is the quality inclusion of these OSH topics into training using activating methods in the process. They should also be part of methodological and professional training. Employer lecturers should support and implement new methods and forms of training for pupils` safe behaviour.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ivana Tureková, Iveta Marková, Roman Hrmo, Jozef Harangozó