Professional Competence of Teachers Concerning the Content of the Educational Area: Man and the World of Work in Pre-primary and Primary Education


Valentová, M., Brečka, P., & Hašková, A. (2024). Professional Competence of Teachers Concerning the Content of the Educational Area: Man and the World of Work in Pre-primary and Primary Education. R&E-SOURCE, 1(s1), 323–332.


In the introduction of the paper, the issue of the quality of technical education from the point of view of the professional competence of teachers, with a focus on undergraduate preparation of future teachers and their successful performance in their future careers, is discussed. Further, in more detail, the authors analyse study programs, including the teaching subjects incorporated into them, of pre-primary and primary education at three universities in Slovakia concerning the content and goals of the educational area Man and the world of work. Results of their comparative analysis have shown significant differences in the teacher trainee preparation at the concerned universities. As to the bachelor study programs, these correspond with the topics of the educational area. In the master study programmes, the topical units of the educational area are indicated indirectly in the frame of the learning outcomes. At the same time, the emphasis is put mainly on didactical aspects.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Monika Valentová, Peter Brečka, Alena Hašková