Requirements on the Adaptation Process of Technical Subject Novice Teachers


Novice teachers, Adaptation process, mentors, Development of novice teachers´ competencies, Technical subject teaching


Hašková, A., Zatkalík, D., Martin, Z., & Záhorec, J. (2023). Requirements on the Adaptation Process of Technical Subject Novice Teachers. R&E-SOURCE, (s1), 66–76.


To achieve adequate quality vocational education and training at secondary vocational schools, it is necessary to ensure high-quality teaching staff. In the career system of the Slovak Republic, a beginning pedagogical and professional employee (novice teacher and novice training supervisor) is obliged to undergo an adaptation education, the purpose of which is to master all activities for the effective performance of the profession. Career requirements are of two kinds, personal requirements regarding the expertise in the given field and requirements regarding the general competencies to successfully perform the pedagogical employee profession. The paper presents the results of an inquiry aimed at the content and scope of adaptation education at secondary schools in the Bratislava region with a focus on novice teachers of technical subjects.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alena Hašková, Dominik Zatkalík, Zatkalík Martin, Ján Záhorec