Case Study of the Impact of Quality Management System CAF 2020 on the Employees in a Secondary Vocational School


Hašková, A., Zatkalík, D., Silvia, B., & Zatkalík, M. (2023). Case Study of the Impact of Quality Management System CAF 2020 on the Employees in a Secondary Vocational School. R&E-SOURCE, (s1), 57–65.


In Slovakia, secondary schools are starting to increase their quality with the help of various management techniques. The organisation’s quality is also based on a well-established quality system and, of course, on the involvement of the teaching staff, employees, and students. Managing the quality of a school or school facility is a specific problem. When introducing the school management system, the school management decides and selects appropriate quality management systems. The article presents an analysis of the impact of the introduction of the new CAF model within secondary vocational education on school employees. The new CAF 2020 model is the fifth revised version of the model, while the changes to the current version of the CAF 2020 model mainly deal with digitization, agility, sustainability and diversity. A case study of this impact focuses on the conditions of one of the secondary vocational schools established in the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, namely the Secondary Vocational School of Transport.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alena Hašková, Dominik Zatkalík, Bartelt Silvia, Martin Zatkalík