In the following paper, I would like to analyze the connections between creative leadership and professional learning communities, especially focusing on the characteristics of management issue. The structure of the brief study, after the contextual part, is based on a “triangle”, namely from PERSON via PROCESS to ORGANIZATION. Firstly, I emphasize some contextual dimensions (conceptual background) on the topic, secondly on the base of Marzano’s meta-analysis, I introduce 25 categories of principal behavior that positively affect student achievement, attitudes and teacher attitudes and behaviors. Thirdly, I analyze the structuralization of leadership competences, especially focusing on the components, dimensions and indicators on the Ontario Leadership Framework. Fourth, I stress the meaning of creative leadership under the umbrella of social-personality approaches to the study of creativity in order to analyze on the base of Basadur’s four-stage model of creative process. Fifth, I characterize the professional learning communities. Finally, I draw conclusions and summarize my paper.