Teaching with the STEM concept represents education that uses the connection of science, technology, mathematics, engineering, and the natural sciences. The “STEMkey” project, whose solutions are members of the KTIT PF UKF in Nitra, contributes to modernising STEM teacher education in Europe and strengthens teachers' professional development. It supports the development of better quality and more attractive STEM courses for students motivated to teach about individual STEM subjects and how they can use them to solve problems arising from simple experiments. The article describes an activity prepared for the summer school in Lisbon by researchers from Nitra. In a prepared task, it was necessary to solve the pumping of polluted water, controlled by the BBC microcontroller, into a sand filter. Students and future teachers from several European universities participated in the summer school. The prepared activities aimed at developing student teachers' abilities to apply the concept of STEM education in the educational process.

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