Nowadays, the importance of science teaching for the economic growth of countries is emphasized. The stimuli for implementing the innovation process in all areas of undergraduate teacher training are the traditions of university education and the dynamics of knowledge growth in science and technology. The university educational system is aimed to develop the quality of learning. The paper objectives are to inform about the e-learning course, which is located on the website of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia) entitled “Laboratory Practice in Analytical Chemistry”. This course focused on analytical methods offered by the Department of Chemistry as part of the bachelor’s degree program. This course of laboratory practice includes theoretical (studying texts) and practical parts (procedures). The Department of Chemistry, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra educates chemistry teachers with a combination of other disciplines for all types of schools. Education fluently develops the skills essential for a professional development pre-service teacher who lives in a technologically advanced world and economy. The current trends show that education and training pre-service chemistry teachers are changing and have a new cognitive strategy.

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