The goal of every head teacher is to have quality, responsible, professional class teachers with a high degree of independence. The activities and competencies of the class teacher are specified, except for Act no. 138/2019 and so in other implementing regulations to the Act no. 245/2008 on Upbringing and Education (School Act). A detailed description of the class teacher competencies is absent in the mentioned documents. Following the above, the main part of the paper is the analysis of current already realized research findings in the field of classroom management and the approaches to the training of class teachers in Slovakia and abroad. We consider it necessary to pay increased attention to undergraduate teacher training in a given field. The results of the analysis will be subsequently implemented in the training of university students for specific situations related to the key competencies of the class teacher in primary and secondary schools.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Eva Tóblová, Adriana Poliaková, Štefánia Ferková