Undergraduate Educational System of Technical Teacher Education in the Czech Republic
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Andres, P., Hrmo, R., Dobrovská, D., & Albertová, B. (2020). Undergraduate Educational System of Technical Teacher Education in the Czech Republic. R&E-SOURCE. Abgerufen von https://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/836


The paper deals with the analysis of the external environment according to the currently valid legislative regulations concerning the regulated profession of pedagogic workers according to the Act No. 563/2004 Coll. on pedagogic workers and about amendments to certain laws, as amended, with the adoption of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and amending and supplementing other acts (law on higher education), as amended.
In addition to legislation, paper deals with current trends in education, conceptual issues and engineering pedagogy curriculum development. The curriculum, on the one hand, is influenced by accreditation standards, educational areas based on the standard of the teacher preparation, on the other hand, it can be shaped on the basis of the university plan of the strategic intention implementation, as well as technological innovation (Education 4.0).

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Copyright (c) 2020 Pavel Andres, Roman Hrmo, Dana Dobrovská, Brigita Albertová